Unix Epoch Converter

Convert Unix timestamps to and from human-readable dates

Supports seconds, milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds


Waiting for input


Waiting for input


Waiting for input

Convert Date to Unix Epoch

Convert datetime to a Unix timestamp

Time is in your local timezone

Unix seconds

Waiting for input

Unix milliseconds

Waiting for input

Unix microseconds

Waiting for input

Live Unix Time

seconds since Jan 1, 1970

What happens on January 19, 2038?

Unix time is commonly represented as a 32-bit signed integer, which has a maximum value of 2^31 -1 (2,147,483,647).

When this limit is reached, the value wraps around to a negative value and will represent a date approximately 68 years before the epoch (13 December 1901).

To prevent this issue, modern systems and applications are moving towards using 64-bit integers to represent Unix time, which can accommodate timestamps for billions of years into the future.

Unix Timestamp Explained

A Unix timestamp represents the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, at 00:00:00 UTC, also known as the Unix Epoch. This universal time standard is widely used in computing and programming for tracking time across different systems and time zones.

Key features of Unix timestamps:

  • Integer-based: Stored as a single number
  • Timezone-independent: Always represents UTC time
  • Compact: Efficient for data storage and transmission
  • Wide range: Can represent dates far into the past and future

Pines Tools Unix Converter allows convertion to and from Unix Time with ability to easily copy live Unix time.